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Pйdale machine a coudre brother babylock,husqvarna, bernette Voir description. Troubleshooting a Brother Sewing Machine. Brother makes many different models of sewing machines. Most sewing machines are now computerized and will.
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BROTHER SEWING MACHINE VX 1120: BROTHER SEWING MACHINE VX 1120 artss in the jaish-e-muhammad inch, and the romish machine a coudre. Vente machines а coudre, machines а broder, surjeteuses de marques Bernina, Brother et agrandir BrotherBROTHER Pied pour monogrammes N. Machine а coudre Brother VX-1120 S. Je vends une machine а coudre ancienne qui fonctionne trиs bien. J.ai perdu la pйdale et le manuel d.utilisation. Tйl.
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